National Zoological Park celebrates the first birthday of white tigress SITA’s twin cubs, Avni and Vyom

National Zoological Park joyously celebrated the first birthday of the adorable white tigress SITA's twin cubs, Avni and Vyom,today. Shri Chandra Prakash Goyal, DG & SS, MoEFCC as the Chief Guestand Dr. S.K. Shukla Member Secretary, Central Zoo Authority as the Special Guest were present on the occasion.The highlight of the celebration was the cake-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the cubs' significance to connect between the citizens and wildlife.



Students of 11th grade were invited to partake in the festivities. The event provided a unique educational opportunity for the students to learn about tigers and their vital role in biodiversity preservation.National Zoological Park demonstrated its commitment to environmental sustainability by gifting each attending student a plant sapling. This gesture aimed not only to express gratitude for their participation but also to instill a sense of responsibility for the environment among the future generations.



The celebration of Avni and Vyom's first birthday stands as a testament to the zoo's dedication to fostering a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.At present National Zoological Park have 12 numbers of tigers of 02 varieties, and among these there are 7 normal coloured Royal Bengal Tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) and 5 White Tigers (Panthera tigris tigris color_mutation ). 


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