Substrate promiscuity of fungi generated enzyme Laccase shows potential in degrading industrial dye effluents

An enzyme called laccase generated by a group of fungi has been found capable of degrading a variety of hazardous organic dye molecules that are regularly drained into waterbodies after dying clothes in the textile industry. This observed characteristic which the scientists termed substrate promiscuity can have deep implication in designing enzyme-coated cassettes for treating heavily dye-polluted water through a natural solution to make the environment greener.   Laccase, was known for its capacity to degrade various organic molecules. Hence the scientists saw a scope in using it to develop…

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Broad Gauge Network of Chhattisgarh is 100% electrified

On the lines of setting the target of achieving Net Zero Carbon Emitter by 2030, the Indian Railways has 100% electrified existing Broad Gauge network of Chhattisgarh. The 1,170 Route kilometre, resulting in saving on account of reduced line haul cost (about 2.5 times lower), heavier haulage capacity, increased sectional capacity, reduced operating & maintenance cost of electric loco, energy efficient and eco-friendly mode of transportation with reduced dependence on imported crude oil, saving of foreign exchange. Further, new Broad Gauge network shall be sanctioned along with electrification, in sync…

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