Indus International School Students Crowdfund on Ketto to Improve Menstrual Hygiene Among Adolescent Girls

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Menstruation is biological and a significant part of a girl’s life, yet women in India experience extreme struggles to manage their period every month. The majority of the Indian population believes the biological cycle to be, impure and dirty. According to the National Family Health Survey 2015-2016 highlight that out of 336 million menstruating women in India, only 36 percent of women are using sanitary napkins, locally or commercially produced. Indus International School Crowdfund on Ketto to Improve Menstrual Hygiene Even today, the cultural and social influences…

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AskSid – the digital assistant of choice for Danone Nutricia, the world leader in early life nutrition

– Danone Nutricia, a Fortune 500 company and the world’s foremost health food company has continued its successful engagement with AskSid to provide the very best in customer support to parents, carers, and healthcare professionals. BANGALORE, India, Jan. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Early life nutrition is easily one of the most sensitive categories to provide customer support in, as the brand needs to be 100% accurate in every single instance. For this reason, Danone Nutricia, engaged AskSid, a digital shopping assistant to develop a comprehensive AI-enabled platform for their brand…

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Accolite Digital positioned in the Established Zone in Digital Engineering Services in Zinnov Zones 2021 ER&D Services Report

BANGALORE, India and DALLAS, Jan. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Accolite Digital, a best-in-class digital transformation services provider, has been positioned in the Established Zone in Digital Engineering Services by Zinnov, a global Management Consulting and Strategy Advisory firm, in its annual Zinnov Zones for Engineering Research and Development (ER&D) Services 2021 ratings. Additionally, Zinnov positions Accolite Digital in the ‘Established Zone’ in ER&D Services Overall,  ‘Leadership Zone’ in ER&D Small and Medium Service Providers, ‘Expansive Zone’ in AI Engineering, ‘Execution Zone’ in Telecommunication, and ‘Breakout Zone’ in Software cybersecurity. “Accolite…

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